Sarah H.Q. Li

Postdoctoral Scholar | ETH Zürich | [dot] ch | sarahli@gatech [dot] edu

Sarah H.Q. Li | Postdoctoral Scholar ETH Zürich [dot] ch sarahli@gatech [dot] edu

I am a postdoctoral scholar at the Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH Zürich, working with John Lygeros and Florian Dörfler. Before this, I completed my PhD in Aeronautics and Astronautics at the University of Washington, advised by Behçet Açıkmeşe and Pierre-Loïc Garoche.
I will be joining Georgia Tech Aerospace Engineering as an assistant professor in January, 2025!

I am looking for prospective Ph.D. students interested in game theory, trajectory optimization, and reinforcement learning for mobility systems and space traffic. Please apply through Aerospace Engineering and indicate your interest in working with me.

I optimize large-scale, multi-agent autonomous systems in uncertain environments, specifically in the areas of robotics, urban transportation, and air traffic management. My research combines techniques from optimization, control theory, and game theory to develop frameworks that scalably integrates congestion-free autonomous behavior into existing infrastructure in urban, air, and space traffic management.

Recent News

[June 10, 2023]   Graduation Graduated in Seattle’s classic drizzle.
[May 15, 2023]   ETH! I started my postdoc position at the Autonomous Control Lab, ETH Zürich
[April 11, 2023]   Invited Seminar I gave an invited talk at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, hosted by Professor Jon Freund.
[April 06, 2023]   Invited Seminar I gave an invited talk at the University of British Columbia, hosted by Professor Jon Mikkelsen.
[March 20, 2023]   Invited Seminar I gave an invited talk at the University of California, San Diego, hosted by Professor Aaron Rosengren.